I truly enjoy days off. This morning I decided to get up at around 5:30 a.m. to explore some new fishing water. According to a good source (Jim Othrow, 74 year old fishing ninja!) there is some good fishing water to be had on Cub Creek in RMNP. The park purchased this property from a private rancher about fifteen years ago. The creek is full of undercuts and nice beaver ponds where brookies and browns like to feed and hide during the summer months. This morning did not bring much fish because of low water level and top ice, but I'm sure in the next few weeks we will see Cub Creek at its finest! I met up with Mr. Othrow to fish the Big T. We headed down about four miles and had a very successful morning, full of nice browns and rainbows. Sow bugs were the ticket this morning, with the occasional strike on a surf ice B.W.O.. The Big T is starting to experience it's annual spring runoff. With higher water levels and more traffic, the Thompson is a river that needs to be fished early and aggressively. It's always nice fishing with another individual. My times on the water with other friends and fellow anglers is much more gratifying than a day on my own. At times we all need "our" time, but the building of relationships is much more important in this life. I was talking with Jen (my wife) the other day about how I hope I never become a selfish angler. We all know of these individuals. Individuals who hold their hobbies above other priorities. These individuals have placed so much weight on their hobby experience and hardly none on who it affects and for what reasons it might affect them. Fishing for me is my hobby, and as long as I can tie my knots and cast upstream I hope to be angling for many years to come. The Divine gives us a responsibility to maintain quality relationships with those around us. I encourage you to share your hobbies, talents, and abilities with those who can benefit from you.
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